Treatment for Cracked Heels
Cracked Heels: Understanding, Prevention, and Effective Care
At Atwell Podiatry, we understand the discomfort and pain that cracked heels, also known as heel fissures, can cause. We’re here to provide you with the information you need to understand this condition, prevent its occurrence, and find effective ways to care for your heels. Let’s explore cracked heels in detail.
What are Cracked Heels?
Cracked heels occur when the skin around the edges of the heel becomes dry, thickened, and begins to split. In severe cases, this can lead to pain and bleeding. It is important to address cracked heels to avoid further complications.
Causes of Cracked Heels
Several factors contribute to the development of cracked heels. Understanding these causes can help in their prevention:
- Lack of Moisture: Dry skin is the most common cause of cracked heels. When your heels lack proper moisture, the skin becomes less flexible and more prone to cracking.
- Frequent Standing or Walking: If you spend long periods on your feet, especially on hard surfaces, it increases the likelihood of developing cracked heels.
- Open-Back Shoes: Wearing shoes with open backs exposes your heels to more air, which can contribute to moisture loss, leading to dryness and cracking.
Prevention and Care for Cracked Heels
At Atwell Podiatry, we believe prevention is key when addressing cracked heels. Here are some practical tips to help you prevent and care for your heels:
- Hydration is Key: Keep your body and feet well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Additionally, apply a good moisturizer to your feet daily, paying special attention to the heels. This will help keep your skin supple and prevent dryness.
- Wear Supportive Footwear: Choose shoes that provide adequate support, especially if you spend long periods on your feet. Properly cushioned shoes can reduce pressure on the heels, minimizing the risk of cracked skin.
- Exfoliate Regularly: Gently exfoliate your heels to remove dead skin and promote a smoother surface. However, be cautious not to over-exfoliate, as this can worsen the condition.
- Avoid Going Barefoot: Protect your feet by wearing shoes or sandals, even at home. This helps prevent further drying and cracking of the skin.
Healing Cracked Heels
If you already have cracked heels, there are steps you can take to promote healing:
- Soak and Moisturize: Soak your feet in warm water to soften the skin, then apply a thick moisturizer or petroleum jelly to the cracked areas before bed. Cover your feet with socks to lock in moisture overnight. This can help nourish and hydrate the skin.
- Over-the-Counter Treatments: Consider using over-the-counter heel balms or creams containing ingredients like urea or sorbolene. These can help soften and heal the skin.
- See a Podiatrist: If your cracked heels persist or become painful, it’s advisable to consult one of our expert podiatrists. They can identify any underlying issues and provide appropriate treatment tailored to your specific needs.
At Atwell Podiatry, we prioritize your well-being and are dedicated to providing exceptional care. Our podiatrists ensure your privacy and remain up-to-date with the latest advancements in podiatry to deliver top-tier treatment. If you’re experiencing cracked heels or any other foot-related concerns, book an appointment with us today. We’re here to provide the personalized care you deserve.